Behind the name

Every Skoolie needs a name, and ours is no different. It took several days of thinking about it before we - as a family - agreed. Ok, truth be told only two of us really like the name. Jim (the husband) and I thought it was perfect. Lauren (the daughter) thinks it is corny, but still somewhat likes it (if you ask me). Colin (the son) is 12 years old and really doesn't care one way or another. Since we like to think that we live in a somewhat democratic household, the majority ruled and so the bus was named: RESURRECTION FERN.

I didn't even know what a resurrection fern was until I started listening to the glorious sounds of Iron and Wine. ("Resurrection Fern" is one of my favorite songs of his.) Discovering and exploring information about them was great for me because their story is very intriguing. As a survival mechanism, they wither and dry up under periods of drought and stress. To the outsider, they appear "dead". But when it rains, they rise from the dead and once again spring forth with life and beauty.

The human spirit is a resurrection fern. Our hopes and dreams are a resurrection fern. Under certain conditions, we may seem to be defeated and dead. But all it takes is one thing to change and we rise from the dead and spring forth with life once again. Such is the story of this journey for us. It has been in the making for a couple of years. Despite the desire to do this, life has seemed to get in the way and push it down. But the chance spotting of a school bus by my husband was all it took to revive it for us. We are once again full of life and pursuing this dream of ours.

Please join us on our adventure. It's sure to be full of ups and downs and round 'n rounds.

And for the record, she is definitely going to be painted GREEN.


goodkarma said...

i love this song, lee. and i love the name. i think it's perfect. i can't wait to see Fern's transformation.

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